Wednesday 10 October 2012

Sunday 9 September 2012

Un poème de Victor Hugo
Listen to this poem "Elle avait pris ce pli". It's about his daughter Léopoldine and her habits as a young girl. It is told mainly in the imperfect tense. Can you translate the imperfect tenses?

Thursday 14 June 2012

Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain
 Regardez la bande-annonce

Amélie Bloopers
 Need I say more!

Le metteur-en scène - Jean-Pierre Jeunet
 Make notes on the famous director

Amélie - la contribution de la bande sonore
 An essay in English but has lots of good ideas about the importance of the sound track. Make notes in your Amélie file.

Amélie - le thème du bonheur
 Why does the film leave us feeling uplifted? This short essay is in English but contains lots of very specfic references to moments in the film. It is important you can demonstrate a good knowledge of the detail of the film in your essay writing.

Amélie - les personnages principaux
Click on the character to reveal a short text about each one. Make notes in your Amélie file. I suggest you have a picture of each character stuck on the page.

Les personnages principaux dans le film "Amélie"
 An excellent document which looks mainly at the characters. Some great photos. Make notes on the main characters in your Amélie file.

Amélie - quelques mots utiles
A collection of nouns you should know in order to talk about the film. Use this link to learn them.

Amélie - apprenez du vocabulaire utile pour écrire une rédaction
 Here is a collection of 30 abstract nouns related to the film. Learn the genders!

Amélie - vocabulaire utile
Learn some very useful adjectives for character analysis
Amélie - a short critique
Some nice film shots and a short critique (en anglais)

Amélie - film locations
 This links shows you the main film locations in Paris. Make a note of them all. There is an essay title whick looks at how Jeunet presents Paris in the film.

Amélie - ma chanson préférée dans le film

La chanson s'appelle: Comptine d´un autre été: l´après midi

Amélie - la musique
Que penses-tu de la musique dans le film?

Thursday 3 May 2012

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Listening practice - les grèves
Listen to the short extract then complete the exercises. They are a little harder than the AS exam!

Saturday 17 March 2012

Learn vocab and donate rice!
This great website,, is a great idea. Have a go - it's addictive!

Saturday 10 March 2012

Les traditions et les fêtes
There are lots of great activities on this page to get you talking about this topic!

On écoute des chansons françaises
Take a break - listen to a selection of French songs. There are worksheets but i suggest just listening!
Instant verb table
A great reference tool and great for learning all the tenses

Relative pronouns - dont/où/lequel
These are tricky! Read the notes and then try the exercise.
Practice Indirect Object Pronouns
C'est Tex encore une fois!

Practice Direct Object Pronouns
It's Tex again!
Reviser comment former le conditionnel
Le futur
Réviser la formation du futur
Le subjonctif
Do you know how to conjugate the irregular verbs? Try this simple translation activity to test your skills.
Test your vocab knowledge
Can you translate these important words?

On écoutes les info 1
This series of short exercises are taken from real news reports. A little faster than the AS exam but great practice even so. Bonne chance!
On écoute les infos 2

On écoute les infos 3

On écoute les infos 4

Révision de vocabulaire par sujet
Utilisez ce site de web "S-Cool" pour réviser des listes de mots sujet par sujet.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Jean de la Fontaine
This famous poet wrote fables. Here is "Le Lion devenu vieux". Listen to the poem for pronunciation practice.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Les avis d'un entraineur de football

Un funsport: Accrobranches

More verb practice
les verbes irréguliers en infinitif
Some common idioms
Révision du subjonctif
Conjugez les verbes
Les bandes dessinées
Jeanne d'Arc
Salut mes chers étudiants en première. Voilà le blog que je vous ai promis. J'espère que vous le trouverez très utile. Consultez le blog tous les trois jours pour pratiquer votre français. Bonnes études!